The fair change of danger of losing, from an existing thing to another, interchange for compensate is INSURANCE. Well-founded hope to make amend for correct possible future loss in act of exchanging for a periodic amount is also called insurance. The company which sells the insurance is called insurer and the essence person who buys the insurance plan is called the policyholder or insured. Protecting from the financial well-being of an individual, company and other place insurance came to exist. Some kinds of insurance are asked by law, while others get choice. To agree, the condition of insurance it creates a relation among the insured and insurer. Exchange of compensate from the insured, the insurer settle to give the insured certain sum upon the occurrence of consequence. Generally insured give some part of the loss which is called the deductible, and the insurer pays the rest. The insurance proportion is cause for determining the actual amount of sum of insurance coverage is called reward. The practice of setting the price and controlling the danger was to develop the cautious battle of study and practice.
Example includes auto insurance, sports insurance, life insurance, home insurance, health insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance and business insurance. Aim of all insurance is to protect yourself or your family against the financial strike of a drama with unhappy end. Insurance doesn't help you in budget limited expenses, but it protects you against the right about sudden calamity.
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